Feb 25, 2010

Orlando Zapata Tamayo - condolences and updates

Last minute add-on:

I'd like to point out at comments that I've seen today that Orlando Zapata Tamayo was operated last year to remove a brain tumor. Obviously, this comment is being popped out by the cyberbrigade that wants to attribute his death to us, the evil empire and the exiles, instead of the communist regimen that murdered him.

I will try to get more info on this, but one commenter at Guamá explained the surgery had to be done to removed a blood clot caused by a beating he received in jail, and that a physician publicly talked about.

Myself, having had a close relative doing her med school practices in the Kilo 7 prison in Camaguey, I learned first hand countless of stories like this one, so it could be, potentially, true that they had to operate him after a beating.

First Clue: from this report, in Spanish, at the Argentinian newspaper La Prensa.

Second: Carlos Alberto Montaner also mentions it while talking with ABC.

Third: it makes totally sense, since Zapata Tamayo started the hunger strike to protest agains the beatings and abuses he was subjected to this seven years in prison.

Now, for all those trolls in Twitter with their commie "get in your face" operative: suck it up.

* * * * * 
Uncommon Sense:
Reyna Luisa Tamayo remembers her son

Radio Marti covered the visitation and funeral in Banes, Holguín, Cuba.

Las Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) have opened a condolences book in their website.
Go there and pay your respects to a man that never bend over the tyrant.
Do it in any language. Freedom and solidarity do not know of nationalities...

Capitol Hills Cubans got these pics from the entrance of the Cuba's Interest Section in Washington DC and the crappy office they use for consular paperwork and "services", if that could ever be called service.

Penúltimos Días (in Spanish) also has a round up of the coverage in Spain and Europe's crappy response to this murder. They, indeed, are in loved with the tyrant, so they don't want to mess their dating fantasies. Cubans? Who the hell cares about a that noisy Black Cuban? Whatever...

Reynaldo, at Crossing the Barbed Wire, summarizes the seven steps that lead to Zapata Tamayo's death.


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