Mar 24, 2008

Yes, I did finished another book

And I still am in "wow", again.

I, honestly, don't even know what to say, at least regarding the content. It's been too many revelations and a very strong urge to tell them, out loud and clear, to so many people wandering out there.

Fontova's book has amused me, one more time. It had opened me the wide doors of knowledge and I see it as a call to honesty and decency and a lot of people out there should be listening.

The revealed facts, in that direct style that I love, are stunning. The book burning in January 1959, the sales and the profits from art pieces and private collections the castro's regimen have been doing since day one --after having them "nacionalizadas" from their rightful owners-- the obsession with the destruction of New York City, the pregnant women sent to el paredón and so many others. Damn it, there were some parts that got me crying. A lot. (By thw way, the list of books to read keeps growing longer)

And I felt disgusted when I remember how many ponencias (written projects) I did about che in school, to get the extras I needed for my grades, to be able to get into a better high-school... it was just a written lie based on another written and published lie. My sources were no near Fontova's book.
Today I can't help to laugh a lot about my stupidity and innocence, about my commitment to shine at school with those extra projects. Shame on me. But, again, how would I know?

That reminded me a conversation we had this weekend with MDH first son, a teenager that still lives in Cuba. He had been such a good student! He was telling us about his choices to continue studying after secundaria (junior high school), what he likes, how he had the best grades but, for that field, the students were being selected upon their "integrity", which means, going to the marches, attending the mesa redonda debates, becoming a chivato in the making in your neighborhood.

He's still not sure if he'll be able to study what he likes. His only credentials are his good grades.

"What for all that sacrifice studying?", my husband asked him. "It would have been better that you would go to all the marches and all that crap instead of studying; now you would be able to study what you really like", he added.

Why I am not surprised?. Well, because I've been there before. I've been in that position where you don't know anything better outside the geographical prison you live in. That's why I wouldn't dare to judge him, whatever decision he makes.

That's why Fontova's book needs to travel way beyond the borders of the United States. Because knowledge is the only thing that can really set us free.

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