Jun 8, 2010

Cuba & Mexico dirty business: corruption, narcos, illegal immigration and more...

I´m out of the loop for a few days to revamp this tired Cuban brain, and the dirty laundry from the tropical gulag does not cease to amuse me. Well, honestly, I am not that surprised.

In the past few days, in Mexico blew up the corruption bomb surrounding the candidate for governor of the state of Quintana Roo - where Cancun is.

UPDATE: A dissection of how this mess is tied to Arizona, the recent immigration legislation passed in the state and Castro's bashed against it - courtesy our very own Humberto Fontova - can be read here.

Via Babalu Blog & Capitol Hill Cubans:

Gregorio “Greg” Sánchez Martínez, the leftist (voilá!) candidate for governor of Quintana Roo was arrested for money laundering and trafficking (Cuban, Chinese and Russian) illegal immigrants, exposing the ties between the Cuban intelligence and the Mexican narcos.

Don’t you worry; this is just the beginning of a long family’s tree.

Sanchez Martinez’s wife, Niurka Saliva, is the daughter of a high ranking Colonel in Castro’s intelligence service. On top of that, working as Greg's security adviser is Boris del Valle Alonso, relative of Delia Soto del Valle, Fidel Castro’s wife. It is also said that Boris Soto del Valle is tied to Los Zetas, the paramilitary Mexican group turned into drug lords, involved in the execution of a Mexican general.

Oh, la la!

Today, the Mexican investigative magazine Proceso has an extensive report on the dirty business of the ex candidate and his Cuban wife, including some interesting demographic data:

(H/T to Penultimos Dias - Spanish)
In my very own translation:

"… five years ago, there were 893 Cubans residing in Quintana Roo. It was the third largest foreign community in the Mexican state, after the Americans (2,213) and the Argentinians (1011). Now that cluster has grow six times, according to the state’s government that reports more than 6,000 Cuban residents and during the last two years, it is notorious the presence of Cubans in the municipal government, local businesses, tourism and illegal ventures."

(working on my English version of the entire Proceso’s article…)

What´s going on with all these Cubans in Mexico?
Click here to continue reading the modus operandi used by the Cuban government, err, these enterprises, to do business in Mexico.

Allow me to illuminate some other sordid details – for obvious security reasons; I reserved to myself the source:

Many of those Cubans residing in Mexico belong to Cuba’s state security multiple departments. For different reasons and using different connections within the corrupt Cuban government itself, they managed to legally emigrate and start a new business.

Just think about how hard is for average Cuban Joe to leave the plantation and this “easy immigration” pattern will give you tons of food for thought.

Then, aided by their connections with both the Cuban and Mexican officials, most of these enterprises buy stuff in the United States to supposedly import it to Mexico, but it is really just to send it to Cuba.

They are working for the Cuban government to bypass the embargo restrictions, and using Mexico as a bridge. And their businesses are diversified: they either go for unlocked cell phones, lawn mowers, fork lifts, car’s parts… you name it, and they will do it. And that also means they have countless “business partners” right here, in the United States.

Just imagine a divided MC Department… yes, that department managed by Cuba’s intelligence that in the 80’s was involved in this same type of dirty business that prompted the trial and ultimate death in the firing squad of General Arnaldo Ochoa and eight other high ranking officials.

Now, throw in the mix the drug cartels that rule in Mexico, that are also diversifying their business to include the traffic of illegal immigrants, and you can get a pretty good picture.

So much for the embargo making regular Cubans miserable... Do you think those cell phones, lawn mowers and car parts are sold at subsidied prices, throught the rationing card, to your average Cuban? Really?

Think again.
In this case, as well as in Ochoa’s case in the eighties, one thing has to be clear: Cuba is a communist plantation ruled by the Castro's and his cronies.

And in a slave’s plantation, NOTHING happens without the owner’s (tacit or explicit) OK.

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