Jun 30, 2009

Honduras: Let's set the record straight, shall we? UPDATED

As I’ve mentioned before –countless times – the former MSM, a.k.a. SRM, is not telling the whole story about the events that unfolded in Honduras last week.

One more time, they have been in the tank with the wannabe dictators of Latin America and their Kool-Aid drinkers lovers in the rest of the world; POTUS included – despite babbling Castro saying it was a “yanqui coup”, go figure!

Similarly to the protests in Iran, this time Twitter and the Internet have played the best role reflecting the events in Honduras. Fausta’s Blog has an excellent coverage and updates on the events. (H/T to Babaly Blog)

So, for the sake of accuracy, let’s say it: what happened in Honduras, was not, technically, a military coup. It was a presidential coup.

It was Manuel (Mel) Zalaya, Honduras' democratically elected president, who tried to overstep the Constitution, calling to a referendum to perpetuate his mandate. (In case you were wondering who are Zelaya’s lifestyle coaches: Hugo “Monkey” Chávez, the Castro brothers and the entire leftist claque that blooms in Latin America under Venezuela’s petrodollars and Cuba’s brainwashing machine.)

Assisted by Chávez, who did the same in Venezuela, Zelaya wanted to call a “survey” to change the terms for the presidential seat. According to Honduras’s Constitution, a referendum is legal, but it can not be unilaterally conducted by the president; it has to be called by a special constitutional group (constituyente) created by Congress.

When Congress and the Honduran Supreme Court told Zelaya this, and ruled his attempt as unconstitutional, the boy got mad and promptly, Chávez printed out the ballots in Venezuela and flew them to Honduras in a Venezuelan air force plane.

They did start the process in some points of the country and when the Supreme Court noticed Zelaya defied its ruling, issued an order to the Honduran Army to stop the process, to take custody of Zelaya and to deport him from the national territory.

Think about this:
What would have happen in the US if the current president decides to call a referendum to eliminate presidential terms, the Supreme Court issues an order telling him not to do so and he continues to pursue his objective? Impeachment and destitution, at least, right? - Well, I hope.

Putting the last nail to the coffin, Obama's administration, one more time, lost a golden opportunity to show what they truly should stand for. Well, actually, I guess he did a clear statement, on the opposite direction.

Mary Anastasia O’Grady weights in for WSJ, both in English and Spanish. Links to her column in English has been passing on Tweeter since late Saturday night.

Some might see unfortunate that the army got involved, but again, they did it following orders from the Supreme Court.

At the same time, the country must return to its constitutional order and democratic goverment ASAP; if not, they run the risk to have all these efforts to preserve the rule of law completely wasted.

On the other hand, Hondurans in the US are expressing support to the Supreme Court ruling and their homeland Constitution, and they want to drawn the negative stories about the incident.
A Honduran man that moved to US 15 years ago has the golden quote:
"We're all energized,'' said Mauricio Andino, who moved from the country's capital, Tegucigalpa, 15 years ago. "We're a little country showing the world that we will not stand for communism, and we will not be bullied by what any of those other communists have to say about us."

Unfortunately, Andino’s priority seems to be missing from OAS’s agenda – after all, Inzulza owes his post to Chavez and they’re all in bed with longest communist dictatorship in the region. Let's say it is more or less the same thing that is happening with the wicked priorities’ list of the current US administration.

Charles Krauthammer, On The Corner at NRO, has an excellent crash-course on how and why Obama and his administration should re-examine their assumptions.

Also at NRO, Mona Charen asks "Did someone say coup?", and provides more background on Chávez dirty games to throw Venezuela in the abyss of socialism.

Jun 25, 2009

Denver's capitol needs repairs: and we're accepting donations

A couple of days ago, listening to my usual local radio station during my morning commute, they were talking about the recent reports that the golden dome of the state's Capitol is rusting from inside and needs to be repaired.

"Good idea", I thought, since the Golden dome is signature of the city and looks, indeed, very pretty. But this Cubanita over here immediately thought: "there has to be a catch".
(Photo taken from Google)

It was after the commercial break that I learn about Jim Riesberg - who happens to be the representative from my area - and his idea to collect citizens donations to fund the repairs project. See? I knew something else was coming toward us, the average Joe's - as usual.

Personally, I am for reasonable funded - transparent and accountable - conservation projects of the state's architecture. But couldn't hear in the show if Riesberg was only pinching in the idea or if he said something whether his committee would also manage or oversee those donations.

If this needs to be done in order to prevent further damage, it could be a good idea to explore private donations. But having our "financially responsible" politicians on top of those funds is a whole different story.

Sorry, nothing personal here Mr., Riesberg, but if we are talking about donations, there is absolutely no need to have politicians handling the project.

Put up the project in the table for non profit and philanthropic organizations to jump in, collect the donations and oversee the project.

Unfortunately for the American people, our representatives - whose salaries, and more - we pay with our taxes, have demonstrated that 99.9999% of them are seriously financially-challenged.

If that's the case, please, back off! First, take crash-courses on financial responsibility and learn how to balance and prioritize the public monies you already have in your hands before pretending to get even more.

Michael Jackson dies?!

Photo from El Nuevo Herald

CNN is breaking the news that pop singer Michael Jackson has died.
El Nuevo Herald just posted the news in Spanish - while I was reading about the crack down on Medicare fraud in Miami and Detroit, go figure!
Here is a timeline of the life of "The King of Pop".
I, personally, prefer to remember him from these times:

I have fallen...

for Twitter!
Follow me @cbntaRMNP
Thanks to The Iran (Tweeter) Revolution, I have got myself into it.
My main purpose is not an egocentric one - I don't even believe I will have the time to constantly post what I am doing. Nor that I really want to do so. ;-)
I dream of being able to work as a bridge for information to an island censored from within.
Your are formally invited to do the same. Happy Twittering!

Jun 24, 2009

Following the day in Iran

Iran: another day, another protest, more people injured, votes still disappeared.

Penúltimos Días is keeping up with the updates - some intros are in Spanish - of the events.

Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho's link with the doctor who assisted Neda during her last minutes of live stands on the list. On his blog, Coelho has revealed the identity of the doctor. It is, certainly, a story fit for a novel.

An eyewitnesses described a massacre near the Iranian Parliament - via Michelle Malkin.

And BBC put together an interactive map of today's protests.

Update on "The unavoidable parallel"

An English version of the essay "Why the Iran's Revolution Matters to Cuba", by Ernesto H.B (Penúltimos Días) is posted in RealClearWorld. Have at it.

Gateway Pundit is following the Iran's saga with photos of the brutality against protesters. Unfortunately, Val is right: in Cuba there has never been protests like this, where people are willingly taking risks for their freedom or their fellow countrymen.

Two months ago, I had higher hopes to the contrary. Unfortunately, I just learned I was dead wrong.

How can I explain it? Cubans have been broken down by a Machiavellian combination of repression, brainwashing, censorship and sense of hopelessness. Sadly, it is so bizarre and cruel that one can only realize it when you are able to escape that hellhole.

They are just walking the walk because nothing has happened so far that could erase their existence from the face of earth.

It might sound fatalistic and it might be a generalization where a lot of exceptions could exist; but it is what you read in their faces. Eyes don't lie; trust me.

That's the sad picture in the faces of the average Cubans, while standing in the P-3 bus stop, in the line to get the daily bread, while walking in the sidewalks... and I, honestly, still have a hard time understanding...

Broken down.
And it breaks your heart when you see it, up close and personal.

My wallet is closed. Sorry!

Locked down, to be more specific.

We’re in a thought economic situation. No doubts about it when I see the drop in the value of my house or when I see local business closing down.

And while government is pushing to take over every single thing in our lives they can think of during their every morning coffee, the local school district is salivating over increasing taxes on property owners.

“The 16-mill property tax increase, which would amount to $16 million a year in extra revenue for the district, comes after six months of work by the Citizens Blue Ribbon Panel”.

Really? Did they really spent money on a Blue Ribbon Panel to “study” the need to increase taxes. And that panel raised $40,000 for signs instead of donating that money to the “troubled” District‘s budget? Unreal.

Everybody with a sane mind in the country is scaling down on expenses, tightening and going back to the basics but they can’t? Why not?

We are talking of a district with one of poorest performances in the state. A district that pays exorbitant salaries and extras to their top executives – not the teachers necessarily.

Teachers who educate our children should be well compensated, specially the good ones, but we're not even talking about teacher's salaries here.

And, in any case, when many people are choosing between having a raise or keeping their job, teachers should also pick up their part in the tab.

We're are talking about the district where I first heard of home schooling. A district that have reduced recess and play time for elementary school kids, when it is a vox populi secret that at that age, kids need playtime as much as instruction time in order to successfully develop their potentials.

And, even though I am not very familiar with the board, most people in the community thinks that the board is not working for whom they are supposed to: the taxpayers that pay for their bills, and the children.

I have known, personally, wonderful teachers, administrators and employees of this district, and I don’t think we could throw them all in the same sack.

But it is undeniable that the big picture is not attractive, especially to the eyes of the taxpayers that are footing the bill from this chronic failure.

Don’t count on me for this in the next ballot.

Sorry, but District 6 have not demonstrated they are good stewards of public monies with their wicked set of priorities for me to put more of my hard-earn money in their hands to feed their wasting spree.

On top of that, they are scared as hell of transparency – nobody knows exactly where they spend the money they currently receive, and they are not very willing to talk about it. (Could I suggest the District to take note and follow the steps taken by the county commissioners?)

Show me the checkbook first. Post your expenses online. Have all big bosses resign and bring new, responsible people – without spending another absurd fortune in a “recruiting” galore. Get rid of the current board and bring new, committed people to represent the interests the community.

Put children’s interest first and then, only then, this local wallet will be willing to take the risk to give you more money.

Actually, I have a better suggestion: go to any given small community school in another country for a month, learn about frugality and efficiency while providing a decent education and then, when you come back, we can have this conversation.

Jun 23, 2009

Looking out through my (Microsoft) window

It's a window that gives you a whole lot bigger picture of things going on out there that what anyone would want to digest in a 48 hours period.

The green avatar for Neda is everywhere in the net. She is being called the Angel of Iran. She was a beautiful young woman; what a terrible loss. The voice of The Green Revolution.

The constant feed of the events going on in Iran. Go here (06/22) here (06/23) for a multi-language round-up. Another protest is being planned for tomorrow.
Having lived in Libya and being familiar with the culture and set of values of this part of the world, I am concerned that it is going to be a bloodbath.
Thanks to Tweeter - one more time - we learn about contrasts.
Iranian dissidents are taking on against POTUS soft "I do; but I don't" stance - and we can not blame them.
Meanwhile, Iranians of all ages are being killed and/or injured in the protests.
In the Old Continent, Ernesto posts the third part of his thoughts on why Cubans should pay attention to what is happening in Iran: because at the end, it's about the same; about individual freedom struggling with fanaticism, censorship, repression, the adoption of double standards in order to survive, and the survival of the individual under a totalitarian regimen.
On the other hand, the exiled son of the late shah of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, has issued a warning. If POTUS is not listening, well, it could be just because he doesn't want to.
Before closing my window, very timely, I just found this story about a little president who wasn't there...
There are days when the view from my computer's little window it is simply too overwhelming. In order to keep some mental sanity, a lock down time must be established.
This tired Cubanita it out.

Jun 22, 2009

Ghosts and mines

Recent images of Moa (photo, above) one of the biggest nickel-mining towns in east Cuba, haven been posted by Claudia in the English version of her blog, Octavo Cerco.

It does look horrible, like one of those moon' surface image one would see on an astronomy book.

But no, you don't need to travel far to see up close and personal the consequences of the Canadian-Cuban business for the locals and their surroundings. Which also brings me to a - very familiar and sad - story about life in Moa.

In cases like this, I can't help to wonder where are all those crazies enviro-organics and tree-huggers that chastise a president for swapping a fly? (In a world where reporters go to J-School to learn how to report on fly-swatting incidents and to make good government-paid infomercials, but that's a topic for another post)

They care about contamination and human being's lives when it is within their eyesight or, to be more exact, when it fits their generally wild liberal agenda and they can make political gain of it.

That's why they don't want us to drill in ANWR nor to use the huge oil reserves the US has; they rather have our lives and freedoms at the stake of whatever an oil producer wants to do, including physical harm.

That's why a Hummer is a personification of evil and - despite being the most profitable brand - was the first thing the "new" government-owned GM is trying to get rid of it, potentially, to Chinese buyers.

Again, is it an evil car that pollutes the US air, but, does nothing to the Chinese environment? Or is it that they don't give a crap about the quality of air that Chinese people breath?
Shall we have more examples?
Being an idiotic and organic tree-hugger is just a synonymous of hypocrisy. Add all the money the Al Gore's types are making with the whole global warming scam and what do you have?
Organic hypocrisy.

Jun 20, 2009

Have at it!

Tarea / Homework:
A que le temen mas los dictadores? / What dictators are afraid of the most?
I just received these photos via email. I'm being told they belong to a publicity campaign put together by the German agency Ogilvy & Mather (Frankfurt, Alemania), for the International Society for Human Rights.
An image - or an instant Tweet or Internet post - is, one more time, worth more than thousands words.

Colorado's Iranian community rallied against regimen

The Iranian community in Colorado and its supporters rallied this morning in the steps of Denver's capitol building, to protest against the fraudulent election results.

Rocky Mountain Right has more photos of the rally.

Hot Air (English) and Penultimos Dias (Spanish) are keeping up with updates of the tumultous situation in Iran today. Refresh the pages frequently.

There is a live stream from Tehran here. (There are some idiots linking the signs in English protesters are using with the CIA influence... Duh?! Their language is Farsi and Arabic, they have been Tweetering the information, English is the language most known in the rest of the world... Hellooooo!!!)

Overheard today:

"... this people (Iranian current government) are going nuclear and want to wipe us completely... the Koreans would love to nuke us... none of this would have a chance to happen if we had a Republican administration..."

Ditto. The current administration is currently very busy spending money like there is not tomorrow and trying to shove down out throats their "solutions" to fix the health care - among a whole bizarre set of extreme leftist moves aimed to dramatically increase the government take over of our lives.

I wonder who would care about health care, failed banks or inefficient and union-dominated automakers when if these people erase the US from the map. There won't be any of us around here anymore to buy Priuses or have a mammogram...

But I guess that is just my wicked set of priorities, right?

Jun 19, 2009

More on the unavoidable paralell...

This time with two different - yet way too close - approaches.

Polo's take with this cartoon, colorfully said and sadly true.

And another tropical and surreal hypothesis, unfortunately, not impossible at all, shared with us by Ernesto Hernández Busto. (Spanish)

Penúltimos Días is also keeping a (multilingual) chronology of the events in Iran.

FYI, today, both Dems and Rep united in US Congress and passed a resolution.

Jun 18, 2009

The Tweeter (Green) Revolution and the unavoidable parallel

Following the events in Iran, with the allegations of a stolen presidential election, I’ve been munching to myself a lot of things in the past few days, and I was not sure why I was linking so many – apparently – unrelated things in this tired Cuban American brain…

Two details stood immediately: modern communications are crucial to guarantee freedom and basic human liberties (Twitter, anyone?); no wonder why the tropical gulag is scared to death to even the slowest and least-free of the Internet connections. Secondly, well, you really don’t need a PhD in political sciences to see the similitude between two countries and two societies far, far away in maps and cultures, but so sadly close in totalitarianism.

Ross Kaminski, at Human Events (via Michelle Malkin) has a great take on Tweeter’s role as bridge to break Iranian’s censorship and the mullahs are scared of Tweeters:

Quasi-nuclear Iran, the principal sponsor of terrorism in the world, may be enjoying a revolt against the oppressive regime of the ayatollahs that is made possible by hitherto unavailable -- and convenient, cheap and nearly un-blockable -- communications between protesters.

Make no mistake: This is a huge threat to the Iranian regime -- a pro-liberty movement being fomented and organized in short sentences. And while we’ve talked about “mass communication” for decades, we’ve never truly seen communication for the masses until these past few days.

… (an) important aspect of Twitter is that its messages can be sent and received as cell phone text messages, making it an extremely powerful organizing tool.
No wonder the mullahs are afraid of Twitter if it can not only help organize protests within their country but also stir up pro-freedom reactions thousands of miles away. It isn’t surprising that a CBS reporter says that all access to Twitter was blocked in Iran as of Wednesday morning. Well, until the young, tech-savvy population there finds a way around the mullah’s electronic muzzle.

Penúltimos Días is following – both in English and Spanish – the events.

And that takes me directly to my second quest: are Cubans everywhere taking note? Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez is (
Spanish / English)

Because the parallel is undeniable - and Ernesto Hernández Bustos went ahead of me
on this

It is impossible not to see the tropical ayatollah and the ancient and outdated central committee posing as your warmest counsel of guardians. Hernández Bustos hit it on the nail: despite cultural and religious differences, the core of both regimens is the same: totalitarianism and censorship.

That’s the reason behind the sick paranoia both governments have behind the free use of the Internet and social networks like Facebook, instant messaging services and chat rooms.

Un-surprisingly, the Cuban state-run media (sounds familiar?) is informing about every thing you can imagine
but what’s going on in Iran. Least mentioning Tweeter; Shhh! Caquita, niño, que eso no se toca!

As Malkin says, “In the hands of freedom-loving dissidents, the micro-blogging social network is a revolutionary samizdat — undermining the mullah-cracy’s information blockades one Tweet at a time.”

Now, change names and locations.

Keep in mind that in the tropical gulag, the privileged ones that have cell phones, use them basically for text messaging. (It has the cheaper rate, 0.15 cents CUC per message, at least until May 2009. For regular calls, both incoming and outgoing, the rate is 0.50 cents CUC per minute.)

And that even thought the majority does not have cell phone, every body struggles to get together the money to buy the line and pay for the calling cards. It is my impression that, deep in theirs hearts, they know those little artifacts have an endless potential…

Now connect the dots.

Information can be shared, censorship can be bypassed and the Internet Rapid Response Brigades could be doomed into fake proxies.

Things can be changed, one Tweet at a time – especially if we remember that you can Tweet from phone to phone, via text message.

PS: Revolving around the SRM topic that I’ve posted before, in case you’re still not fully convinced that what used to be the MSM is completely done and buried, the non-coverage initially given to the events in Iran is a just proof
that journalism in the United States is DEAD.

H/T to all Tweeter on Iran's beat, MM, Penúltimos Días and every body out there following the events.

Jun 17, 2009

Silent majority, NO MORE!


Holly molly!
The petition site says it is "overwhelmed" by the popularity of the letter and the huge response from people willing to sign the petition to "our Nation's leaders".
Check it out here.

* * *

Many of you may have well received this letter via email; and its content is not one you would like to miss. If you still care about this country and its founding pillars of life, freedom and the pursue of happiness... C'mon, jump in the wagon. It might be the only stop left.

Glenn Beck received it two days ago in his radio show email, read it out loud yesterday on the air and interviewed the author today in the TV show. The author, BTW, is either a Hispanic/Latina women (I know, I know that very lovely government-created label...) or she is married to a Latino/Hispanic man.

Whatever her case is, no, the radical left in the US political arena has not been able to kidnap us - people coming from or descendants from Latin America and other Spanish-speaking countries - entirely.

We might be a few, but we're still standing up.

Anyway, her letter now has become an open letter with an online petition to be sent to legislators. (Refresh your computer screen and you'll see the number of signatures grows by hundreds every minute).

Not that I believe in letters or signatures that much - remember where I am from and what happen there to people who dare to sign any type of petition against the government? But, weighing in the dire future that awaits to America, anything that we can do should be done.

The future of our children is at stake with this government take over of our lives.

Jun 16, 2009

The DEATH of journalism

In case you haven’t noticed, today you can mark your calendar as the day journalism officially died in the US.

It’s been on life support for quite a while now, so whoever out there have not seen the signs, well, frankly, must be because it is getting blind at will.

Forget about the so-called “Fourth Power”.
It’s gone. Forever.


Indeed, in case you’re one of the blind ones, let me give you a quick recap:

First, we had endless examples of media bias – and actually being in the tank – with one side during the past presidential elections. I don’t need to mention those, one by one, again. Do I?

Then came the tingling in the legs.

And the fake God followed through.

Shame. On. Them.
Let it be Barack Obama or any other president/politician/name for that matter. Shame on them.

Journalism’s ethics? Balanced reporting? Unbiased journalism? Really?
Get me a 18th century’s dictionary. You won’t find any of those around here.

I mean, after what recently came out of the mouth of the editor of one of the most known magazines in the country…

The values of my profession are all buried in the concrete walls of my J-School classrooms at FIU, where I first learned that my job as journalist should be to report and present the facts, and let the people draw their own conclusions.

And these media companies still wonder where they are sinking like Titanic-style monsters, loosing readership every second? C’ mon guys, you know better…

RIP American media.

Welcome your new State Run Media, a.k.a. SRM


ABC: All Barack Channel

Granma, anyone?

PD: if you’re thinking in going to J-School, consider switching to McDonald’s. It will be a way more honorable work to do – no pun intended. (At least, meanwhile the government doesn’t take it over the same way it did with GM, banks, insurance companies, etc, etc, etc)

Jun 14, 2009

Happy Flag Day and other coincidences

Today's is Flag Day and there is not need too summarize our feelings on this day after Claudia's post at Babalu.

One key thing she mentions is worth repeating: it's important to keep your values and your heritage, no matter from where in the world you come.

But all immigrants should always be grateful and proud of this great nation that welcomed us with open arms, and proud of the flag the represents the best values of the United States of America.

Curiously, yesterday - with this really bad memory I have, I had no idea was Flag Day's eve - I wore my new red baseball cap with the US map covered by the flag, and my entire patriotic outfit, more fitted for July 4th than any other day...

Jun 12, 2009

One of the saddest parts of the last 50 years...

It's the story Willy Chirino narrates in this song. The song that always bring tears to my eyes and, inevitably, takes me back to the society where I grew up, where "the future ran away after jumping off the malecón"--heading North.

It is the tale of a lot of young Cuban women that have chosen prostitution in order to survive. I wouldn't dare to judge them, since only one can knows what circumstances in life can take you there.

But this song is the condensed version of the bizarre --but so real-- Cuban world that Amir Valle describes in his book "Jineteras" -which I have read and think it was very good.

Well, let me tell you; el cuartico sigue igualito. Nothing have changed, even though the tourism in the island is in shambles.

It's a heartbreaking reality that not everybody is willing to see. It's the cruel paradox of those that want to promote democracy for Cuba, one mojito at a time.

Jun 11, 2009


My free translation:
"WTF do you mean with that! I don't give a friggin' s %$#@, you know!".

Make the guy on the left the POTUS and his sicophants' new approach to Cuba. Make the guy on the right castro's inc. And, Bingo! There you have the history of the past 50 years.

Kuddos to Garrincha for his superb take on history.


Someone asked me a couple of days ago what's the big fuzz behind the two Americans that spent around 20 years spying for castro, that what important information two old people could have given to the Cuban government, etc, etc, etc.

Cry me a river.
I swear I kept it civic --that not-so-political-correct woman that I am.

Going over the myriad of reasons why espionage is an international crime is time-consuming and at that moment, I was so sick and I really could not engage in a normal conversation.

But, for whoever out there is asking the same (should I add naive, or should I use a more direct term?) question, I've found a starting point for a concise answer:

It is wrong because of this.
It is dangerous because of this.

C'mon, repeat after me:
It is wrong because of this.
They should be prosecuted and pay for this.

(I have added book to my "To Read's" list. I will let you know about it)

Right on target, profe

The news of the couple that has been spying for the castro's regime for the last 20 years should not go under the radar of any decently informed individual in this country, IMHO.
(More on the saga here)

That being said, Daniel Morcate --my former professor at J-School in FIU, I should proudly add-- hit it on the nail with this column published today at El Nuevo Herald.

One has to be voluntarily blind not to see the incredible level of communist that happily grows in the US universities today.

"Las dictaduras comunistas que sobreviven, como la china y la cubana, aprovechan este terreno fecundo para reclutar agentes entre jóvenes estudiantes y académicos marcados por una peculiar combinación de ingenuidad, resentimiento hacia Estados Unidos y anhelo de protagonismo. Lo mismo ha empezado a hacer el régimen del venezolano Hugo Chávez.

La condición pluralista y abierta de la sociedad norteamericana facilita el trámite. Esto explica por qué La Habana insiste tanto en el envío de ''delegaciones académicas'', invariablemente salpicadas de policías, a los centros culturales norteamericanos y facilita las visitas a la isla de profesores y estudiantes de Estados Unidos a los que previamente selecciona o aprueba su inteligencia".

He's absolutely right and I agree there is not much a free and democratic society can do to avoid such a disgusting phenomenon --other than teaching the new generations the invaluable core principles where this nation was founded, the value of democracy and our undeniable right to life, liberty and the pursue of happiness.

It's like one of the prices you have to pay if you want to enjoy freedom. Trust me; none of those core values are included in the little book of communism.

Modern societies --and the American should be topping the list-- should learn the historical lessons of other countries that have suffered for years under totalitarian dictatorships.

Actually, in the #1 seat of the disciples' list should be for POTUS:

"Conviene tenerlo muy presente en momentos como este, cuando la extrema izquierda norteamericana presiona al presidente Barack Obama para que le tienda la mano al castrismo sin condiciones".

It all goes back to the basics: do not take anything for granted. Specially in these moments, where what I still consider the greatest nation on earth is in the brink of sucumbing under the powers of unlimited goverment powers.

"Nadie sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde", says the old Cuban saying.

Jun 10, 2009

And now this?

Scroll down for updates.

First, against army recruiters.

Now, against a guard at the National Holocaust Museum.

What comes next?

I mean, after the endless tale of apologies, the whicked data and statistics courtesy of POTUS... Jeez! so much for the change that we've (I didn't) got ourselves into...

# # #

No, the nut case who did this was not a rightwinger; to be more accurate, he was not a conservative, the shooter proclaimed clearly: “SOCIALISM, represents the future of the West.” He was, indeed, an equal-opportunty-hater.

Jun 6, 2009

"The few, the proud", and my morning commute

It's always good to commute on a Friday morning. Just the simple fact that you are only a few hours from the weekend make it exciting.

But sometimes, there are other sightings, even more enjoyable.

This morning, on my way to work, I came to drive along the lines of an army convoy, heading north in the interstate. They were moving some tanks, what I saw as amphibians and quite a few other trucks and vehicles.

There is something quite intriguing that I always feel when I see our troops or members of the US armed forces... goose bumps included; is this overwhelming sense of proud, admiration and appreciation. (No tingling in my legs over here, pleeeeaaase ;)

This morning was not different and when the line behind the convoy reached a speed point when I was side by side with the opening Humvee, I honestly felt the need to roll my window down and tell them "Thank you".

However, after the tragedy that happened in Arkansas, I thought it would be prudent just to let it go. None wants to start a Friday morning with a marine pointing at you any type of weapon, and they ought to be really weary of everybody. And I can't blame them.

So, after enjoying my few proud-minutes by myself, I couldn't helped to think that, even though I don't like violence nor wars, these young men and women who voluntarily serve in our armed forces are exceptional human beings.

It's the only thing that allow you to put yourself at potential risk, in order to preserve the core values of the greatest country on earth.

I know, that sounded cheesy. Really, really cheesy. Honestly, I just wanted to say "Thank you".
And God bless our troops -despite this, and that, and the rest of the stuff you might be aware of...

Jun 4, 2009

Back... just back

Rainbow shinning the sky in a rainy tropical afternoon in Santa Maria del Mar, East of Havana.

Sick again -for a change- but back. Heartbroken. Hopeless, concerned and intrigued about the future of my homeland and loved-ones left back there. (And still deeply concerned about the future of my adopted homeland).

Thankful to God and whoever else is up there planning our destinies for allowing me to enjoy my father for more time.

Glad for the existence of the words "Abuelito, cárgame", and "Abuelito, llévame contigo". Those simple phrases in the voice of my two year old kept me sane during quite a few harsh days.

I'm back again, and ready to engage in full throttle to finish all the work -writing included- that I have pending.
Despite all those random thoughts, mother nature is benevolent.
She still gifts you with rainbows in the ocean, even from one of the most hopeless places on earth.